The European Award for languages or European Label is a scheme which runs in over twenty countries and is designed to champion innovative and outstanding projects in the field of language education.
To be eligible for an award, projects must be:
- Innovative
- Effective
- Replicable
Léargas have announced the twelve winners of The European Award for Languages in Ireland. These are:
- A CLIL Experience @WIT, Project Coordinators: Dr Aine Furlong and Paola Fraioli, Waterford Institute of Technology
- County Dublin VEC English Language Teaching Development Initiative, Project Coordinator, Stephen Bearpark, Co Dublin VEC, Head Office, Tallaght, Dublin 24
- Graduate Diploma in Education (Languages), Project Coordinator, Janet Moody, Department of Education and Professional Studies, University of Limerick, Limerick
- Hiberno-German Tandem: Gustaff Meets May, May und Gustaff Treffen Sich!, Project Coordinator, Carmen Creighton, Maynooth Post Primary School, Maynooth, Co Kildare
- i-Learning in Transition Year French, Project Coordinators, Anne Grills and Gemma Kelly, Manor House Secondary School, Watermill Road, Raheny, Dublin 5
- In-Service Programme For Language Support Teachers in Primary Schools Throughout Ireland, Project Coordinator, Dr Barbara Lazenby Simpson, Integrate Ireland Language and Training
- ITB Schools Language Programme, Project Coordinator, Maria Kenneally, Institute of Technology Blancharstown, Dublin 15
- Les Marionnettes-A Puppet Show in French Suitable for First Years, Project Coordinators, Fiona Cogan and Bernadette Sharkey, The Donahies Community School, Streamville Road, Dublin 13
- Prima (Deutsche Zeitschrift), Project Coordinator, Martina O’Reilly, CBS High School, Kickham Street, Clonmel, Co Tipperary
- Problem Solve, Project Coordinator Kristin Brogan, Institute of Technology Tralee, Co Kerry
- Teastas Eorpach na Gaeilge, Project Coordinator, Anna Ní Ghallachair, Ionad na dTeangacha, Maigh Nuad, Co. Chill Dara
- The Process of Applying Lateral Thinking Skills to the Teaching and Learning of a Modern Language and Culture, Project Coordinators, Suzanne O’Brien and Eileen Geaney, St Mary’s National School, Windsor Avenue, Fairview, Dublin 3
Contact details and a database of winning projects from all countries can be found on the website of The European Commission.
For further information on the European Award for Languages in Ireland, contact [email protected]