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An excellent resource, and thank you Joe for sharing it. If this sort of resource catches your fancy - then I have made some other PowerPoint resources available at

Thank you for showing me how to do drag and drop. Unfortunately when I applied that function to the icon in my presentation I lost the ability to hyperlink the icon to another slide. Is there any way to get it to do both? Can you have an icon that can have a text box pop up when you put your cursor on it as well as have it drag and drop?

Hi Earl,

Great question. As far as I know once you've applied the drag and drop macro, you can't add anything else to it like a hyperlink, trigger or animation.

Unless someone else proves me wrong!

Hi Joe!
I've been trying to get drag and drop to work in my ppt presentations, but can't remember exactly what to do - I've clicked on all the links above and the one containing the presentation explaining how to do it - but I can't access this presentation. Don't suppose you could post an idiot's guide to doing this at some stage or give me some pointers as to how to be able to access the instructional ppt?
enjoy France.

Hi Penny,

Watch this 'idiot's guide' which explains how to do it:

Hi Joe,
I followed your wonderful idiots guide which worked beautifully until I went to play it in slide show mode and the items wouldn't move. I went to 'macro's' under tools and clicked on 'record new macro' to see if that would make any difference but got stuck when it asked for 'pdraganddrop password'. Where does one obtain this from and is it relevant anyway to running the slideshow? I tried to run it on both my laptop which has a red button beside the 'record new macro' (presumably because permission is denied) and on my personal pc which isn't linked in to any larger network and which has a blue button beside 'record new macro. What am I doing wrong?

Hi again Joe,
Further to my last message I've tried again and this time the enable macros window came up at the beginning which it wasn't doing originally. Now it's working perfectly and I've made some neat slides which I've managed to incorporate custom animation into as well. I'm delighted as now I'll be able to share it with colleagues!!
Merci mille fois.

the link to the ppt no longer works...

Hi Eli,

You can download it from here:



Hi, I've got the drag and drop to work, but I want to display the ppt through webct. Is there anyway of doing this so it displays within the frame rather than downloads? I've tried exporting to html but, whilst it keep normal animations, doesn't allow drag and drop...


Hi Helen,

Sorry. I haven't a clue.

Please can you tell where I can download Draganddrop. I am a science teacher trying to crate an interactive powerpoint and this sounds as if it is exactly the macro I need. The link above does not find it anymore.
Kind regards

Hi Dai,

Here it is again:

Best wishes



I am glad to hear that DragAndDrop to Powerpoint has such a great fan club.

I got many posts to increase its functionality.
You can find the original source in
and a Quiz-Example...

Hans W. Hofmann

Hi Joe,
I downloaded your Drag and Drop Macro and it works wonderfully. Could you please tell me how I return the objects to their original position when I close the presentation? I don't want to have to reposition them every time I show the presentation. I tried to do it with marking it final, so that it would be read only but it disabled the macro somehow. Thanks in advance.

Hi Joe again,
I found my answer re: returning objects to original position. It was included in the Word Doc. that I also downloaded (I think it was from your site - I looked at a few). Answer: save as a PPS, and then click file to show as read only.
Thanks again for wonderful macro.

Hi Deb,

Thanks for your helpful comment.

I've added your top tip to the new and improved post about the drag and drop macro I wrote last month.

Have a look:

I've got a problem when I use the draganddrop on textlabels. When I try to drag the textlabel over a picture the label will disappear under the picture. Can't get it above even if I try to set the order.

Hi Thomas,

Many people have asked me this question and until recently I didn't know a solution. However, Sharon Fountain got in contact with me and suggested the following:

Insert an autoshape over the whole slide and then make it transparent by selecting No Fill in formatting.

Remember to place the objects you want to drag and drop off the slide before you add the transparent autoshape and make sure you order them so they are at the front.

That should work. Good luck and thanks again to Sharon.

hello, I can use the drag and drop macro perfectly on my laptop, but my Mimio pen will not function in the same way. Does anyone else have a Mimio?

Hi Maryjane,

If you Mimio pen is acting as a mouse then it should work. Have you tried the improved macro I blogged about here?

Best wishes


Hi Joe,
Thanks for your tool!!! For using the drag-and-drop macro on whiteboard I need to start dragging by pressing the mouse button (or the pen) - not by release. Otherwise I don't see the trail of dragging. Do you understand? Can you modify the macro or give me the macro-password for try it by myself?

Best Wishes,

Hi Pavel,

Just to clarfy Hans Hofmann made the macro not me. You will have to contact him about particular functionality. Have you seen he has already improved the macro here

What a shame that Hans decided to password protect the macro. As it stands it is virtually unusable. But, I am unable to modify the code because of the protection.

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