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Great post, as ever Joe!

We are receiving an IWB demo from Promethean this coming Wednesday. This is a thought-provoking post which I'll circulate to staff..."it's about the teach, not the tech" after all.

1. This is a great summary of what can be done with a data projector, laptop, software and connection to the Internet. Thanks Joe.

2. I would recommend that many of the activities can be done even more effectively if pupils have access to computers 1:1 or in groups so that even more pupils are involved in the actual practice / creation / review.

3. Are there any activities you mention for which you believe an IWB is essential? (i.e. as opposed to laptop / projection / access to software and connectivity?


I think for rigorous practice working 1:1 in a computer room is ideal because everyone is working independently and at their own pace. Programs like TaskMagic, Hot Potatoes, Spellmaster and Fun with Texts lend themselves very well to this sort of reinforcement and extension.

In a whole class situation, projecting on to a large screen is a brilliant way of presenting information clearly and conveying meaning using colour and movement. For me the advantage of an interactive whiteboard is that it involves pupils more in their learning and they are not simply watching, but taking part admittedly individually or in pairs.

When I first started teaching in this way, I only had a data projector sat on the desk in front of my normal whiteboard which worked well for showing PowerPoint presentations, but was disappointing for pupils when completing interactive exercises as I felt what they really wanted to do was to work on the board not at the laptop. Once the school was fitted out with IWBs, there was an immediate change in the pupils' attitude and motivation in using the board. I also preferred to be stood by the side of my board as I had been previously with my OHP rather than sitting down next to my laptop.

When we complete activities as a whole class, I tend to either have one pupil at the board answering with others holding up mini whiteboards or two at the front taking it in turns to click on the board and asking their team to answer appropriately. For TaskMagic, I find there are certain games which work equally well as a whole class activity as in a computer suite whereas others work better 1:1.

For Multi-Match, I have one person up the front, being the teacher, reading out the three possible answers with the others having to answer from their seats by raising their hands. For True or False, I play a lively tune and tell pupils they have to stand up when the picture and text matches and sit down when they don't. This works very well and caters particularly well for the kinaesthetic pupils. For Type, one person enters the text at the board and the others write their answers on their mini whiteboards so I can immediately see if anyone has made any spelling mistakes.

Getting pupils to drag and drop words and images in PowerPoint is also great on the interactive whiteboard. There is no feedback from the software, but I can see immediately if the pupils have understood correct word order or the meaning of certain vocabulary items and I can give feedback myself or ask the rest of the class. This sort of activity would not work as well on a computer suite and if I wanted my pupils to complete such an exercise, I would prefer them to do a Hot Potatoes exercise such as JMix which would give feedback on whether and answer was correct or not. The important thing is to choose what fits the pupils' learning best in which context.

I hope to get a wireless mouse and keyboard in the future and I would like to see what effect they may have on my classes in relation to the different types of interactivity they offer and how that influences the pupils' learning. Watch this space.

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