For date 3 of the back to back conference tour I was really starting to flag. Nonetheless, having the chance to speak at the e-learning and Japanese Language Education conference organised by Suzuko Anai on behalf of ALL as well as finally meet Graham Davies after years of 'email only' contact was enough to keep my spirits up and my mind focused. The event was great fun and I was very impressed at the number of Japanese teachers who had travelled from all over the UK to attend.
I really enjoyed being to able to chat to Graham, Steven Fawkes and Kobe University lecturer and fellow Manchester Utd fan Richard Harrison who'd flown from all the way from Japan via Sydney to speak about the power of web 2.0. The video clips below are thanks to Richard's efforts.
As you can see I tried the Post-it note routine again which produced some encouraging results.
Well, after editing five lots of audio and writing up five long blog posts, it really was time to have a rest from the silly season and take stock. Ten days on and I'm ready to start blogging again, (but perhaps at a more relaxed speed!). We'll see.
Hope you enjoy wading through these five new offerings post-haste!
Definitions of blogging and podcasting
Podcast examples
Download Japanese_elearning_conference.ppt
Download Japanese_elearning_conference.mp3
- Introductions
- Definitions of blogging and podcasting
- Podcasting and Syndication - Steph Hopkins quote
- Demystifying the myth that you need an iPod to podcast
- Using podcasts for personalised and distance learning
- Scottish innovations (MFLE, PiE, one stop animation, The VerbCast)
- Using Audacity to record GCSE oral questions
- Where to research about blogging and podcasting
- Starting with the TES ICT blog
- The potential of networking through blogging
- The interactivity of leaving comments and their motivational impact
- Language World 2006 and seeing Ewan creating a podcast live during his session
- Getting into the blogosphere and the benefits of writing for a real audience
- Having a blog scribe and creating picture slideshows
- Promoting creativity and giving your pupils a reason for listening and speaking
- The importance of scripting to extend writing and getting pupils to value their work
- The three phases of podcasting: scripting, recording and editing
- Podcast examples
- Setting up your blog and having a clear purpose
- Reasons to blog and advice on setting blog rules
- Moderating comments and ensuring your pupils' safety
- Blogging as assessment for learning
- Setting up blog categories
- Celebrating your pupils' work on the net
- Adding different widgets to your blog
- A few final thoughts
Show Notes
Adam Sutcliffe interview and TGS MFL HW blog
Using film-making and animation in lessons
Sous la mer and L'histoire de Mrs Vandertramp
Adam Sutcliffe interview and TGS MFL HW blog
Languages Colleges Discussion Forum
TES Modern Foreign Languages Staffroom Forum
Blogging and Podcasting articles on Languages-ICT website
Blogosphere programme on Teachers TV
Woodhill Primary and SETT session 'To blog or not to blog?' (Susie Buchanan)
The Isle of Wight Conference and the Conference Podcast
Using podcasts in the classroom
Nine Acres Primary Podcasting Day and Podcast has French lessons all rapped up
Believe it or not (Gill Bushell)
Take the weather with you (Richard Peace)
Nodehill Maths (Peter Schlachter)
European Award for Languages 2006
Podcasting and blogging links
Post-it note comments
I'm not good at using computer, but I'll try to find out how I can use podcasts in my teaching, as it seems useful for language learners
Thank you for showing us teaching and learning in action in the 21st Century
I appreciate your effort to inspire your students. Thank you very much for the informative talk.
Joe, vous avez vraiment su montrer les aspects intéractifs et communicatifs du blogging. Enthousiasme!
Great fun! and very inspiring. Thank you.
Really inspiring. So refreshing to hear about IT used for real communication in and out of the classroom and not just high tech fill-in-the-blank exercises. Thank you!
Is there a good way to use 'blogging and podcasting' for beginners with basic Japanese?
Thank you very much for the information. I was encouraged to use ICT more in my lesson. Do you know if there are good blogs for Japanese language? I found many in Spanish/French.
It seems like I have learned a lot and will have a lot more to learn. It's going to be fun to be able to manage those things you have presented to us today. Thank you!
Dear Joe, podcasting is still a bit of a mystery to me, but I would like to have a look at your school MFL bloggers. Thank you.
Thanks for the input! I'm ashamed it had never occurred to me to use blogging as a teaching/learning tool.
There are an increasing number of Japanese podcasts. Many are single author/creator monologues. What do you think is the best format for podcasts Ricky Gervais type 'interviews'? BBC phone-ins are my favs!!
I'm sold! You'll see my blog within the month. Thank you for your inspiring talk!
INSPIRING! Thanks for a fantastic presentation. I particularly like the 2 stars and a wish AFL element. I can really see this working with my pupils. They're so ito all of this techno stuff! (I just hope I'm still as fired up about it after Easter!). Thanks
I think it is good to use technology in these ways to get children working with MFL as early as possible! Thanks for the interesting presentation.
Thanks very much for the very inspiring presentation. I would let my pupils introduce a Japanese culture point in a weblog or a podcast to motivate learning languages and culture together.
A really inspiring presentation. Thank you. Great to see this technology in use and fascinating to hear about all the benefits and notvation for students.
I enjoyed seeing the examples from real classrooms.
I wish I could handle ICT like you do. Hopefully soon!
I have been interested in podcasting and it was very useful. It provided me with a good starting point. Many thanks.
Blogging and podcasting seem like a great way of interacting with you students. A whole new world! I can't wait to get started.
I think both blogs and podcasts can stimulate students' motivation a great deal, as they are using the target language for real communication purposes. I need to think about the way of feedback, especially in terms of language accuracy.
It was such an inspiring session. I'm going to open the blog door.
Thanks Joe! This was an excellent introduction. I'm going to get started in Exeter with German!
Hi Joe - I hope you will have time to recover from all of this activity it sounds absolutely exhausting ( but great fun at the same time). I see now why you had an enforced leave of absence from the blogosphere - you needed to charge up your batteries.
Best Wishes
Posted by: Paul Harrington | 17/04/2007 at 22:12
Hi Paul,
I'm definitely going to calm down a bit now. Conferences are brilliant, yet exhausting as you say.
I hope to run a couple of Saturday workshops in the next few months for ALL, but nothing has been confirmed as yet.
Time to chill a bit and enjoy the good weather. There's also the Isle of Wight Festival to look forward to as well.
Summer Days ...
Posted by: Joe Dale | 17/04/2007 at 23:46
Hello Joe
Thanks for the mention, it was great to meet you at the conference and see how active you are in this area... a lot of people are talking about it, you are doing it!
The post-it method is a great idea isn't it, I discovered it here in Japan and use it a lot. I have a wall with 3 years of stuff on it!
Keep in touch and keep blogging on!!!
Posted by: Richard Harrison | 17/04/2007 at 23:57
Thanks for your thorough explanations. I don't use podacasting but will now look into doing this.
Much appreciated.
Posted by: Matt Jackson | 02/02/2009 at 04:20