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I think what you are doing Joe is really important for the education communities, as PowerPoint used well is an excellent teaching and learning resource, and is something that most teaching staff will have access to at work and home, and can use without requiring high levels of IT skills

There are a lot of people who work in the area of e-learning and ICT in the classroom, who 'rubbish' PowerPoint and anyone who uses it - personally I think that is a negative strategy - what we should be doing is pointing staff at 'good uses' of PowerPoint - and investing in staff development and support.

I couldn't agree more. PowerPoint can be dull, but features like triggers, drag and drop etc really transform it and make it far more interactive and engaging.

As teachers are very busy people, I think they would prefer to find out about new features of a program they already know with suitable instructions than having to learn a whole new program from scratch, if the end result is the same.

Any other PowerPoint fans out there?

A superb post, Joe. I will hopefully get a chance this weekend to sit down and get a chance to work through your excellent resources. You might want to keep off Skype in case I get stuck!

Cheers David,

Once you've finished this post there are four new ones to explore! Thanks for plugging Volker's interview on your last Booruch podcast by the way. I look forward to hearing your appraisal!

Still haven't managed to trawl through all the links and read all the notes but am still SO excited by all the stuff I'm learning! Good news is, I've managed to get Powerpoint 2003 so I can now 'do' triggers! Yippeee! So I'll be passing it on as fast as I can - as long as I can get up to date Powerpoint (and the rest!) in school(s)! That's the frustration - I've got all these plans and they get thwarted by less than up to date software and temperamental hardware. I will have to persevere and sweet talk ICT bods at work!

Thanks for the mention :-)

Looking forward to more tips and inspiration!

That's great news Lisa. Triggers have great potential. Please share the ideas you come up with for using them.

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