In recent weeks, I've been delighted to see more and more language teachers experimenting with the potential of podcasting as a way of giving their pupils extra listening practice outside of the classroom. This has been particularly true of colleagues who have decided to record model questions and answers for the GCSE speaking exam so that their students can download the personalised materials and listen to them on their home computers, mp3 players and mobile phones.
Of course, to do this all you need is some free sound-editing software such as Audacity (for PC/Mac) or GarageBand (for Mac only) and a microphone or handheld device (mp3 player, mobile device, PDA) which can record audio.
Useful links for GCSE French revision by Alex 'Rambling' Blagona is a great starting point to check out some example podcasts and give you ideas on how you may want to make your own:
- Stantonbury Campus in Milton Keynes
- St John Fisher in Harrogate
- Parkstone Grammar School in Poole
- Wheatley Park School in Oxford
- Notre Dame Catholic College in Liverpool
- Heathfield Foundation Technology College
- Oldbury College of Sport
- Bristnall Hall Technology College
I'd have to say my favourite set here is from Stantonbury Campus whose podcasts sound very professional and engaging. The music they've chosen really embellishes and enhances the content. Stuart Ridout, Head of ICT at the school explained to me in a personal email that the podcasts:
"were made on both a PC and a Mac. We showed MFL staff how to record the content using Audacity using their staff laptop and a USB mic and they saved it into MP3 in a shared drive. From there it was transferred into GarageBand on a Mac and was mixed with jingles etc. We record some stuff ourselves and used the samples from GarageBand."
For podsafe music, Stuart recommends Magnatune and Stock20. The former allows you to use their music freely for non-commercial use and the latter charges $7 for different versions of the same track. To listen to some more GCSE revision podcasts, click below:
- Heckmondwick Grammar School in Kirklees
- Esher CoE High School in Surrey
- Ian Ramsay School in Stockton (Helena Butterfield blog)
Feel free to get in touch and sound out your ideas here too.
Rambling! Ha! We've found that our students have really been using the podcasts to help them in preparing for their exams - they have tried all of them, and have even started to try and record their own. It's true what they say about imitation being the best form of flattery. We've been also using Chris Fuller's resources from Edgehill School for our Spanish students, and have also used in the past resources from the 'Eggdeutsch' blog. Of course we're always looking for more resources to listen to! It just shows how the (relatively simple) use of technology can really enhance students' learning possibilities. Ramble over!
Posted by: Alex Blagona | 04/05/2007 at 11:36
Cheers Alex,
Great comment. I think Chris Fuller's grammar podcasts have had about 25,000 downloads to date. Incredible. It shows how popular personalised materials can be.
Posted by: Joe Dale | 04/05/2007 at 13:08
Hey there, recommended this site which i have been using. Podsafe and royalty free if that's what you're looking for.
Posted by: erine | 05/05/2007 at 03:22
Cheers Erine. Great link.
Posted by: Joe Dale | 05/05/2007 at 12:15