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I ask my students to listen to audio books via their mobile phones. Also they can record interviews, create music videos and even become vloggers use them.

Thanks for the comment Craig. Do you find your pupils have problems with battery life on their mobiles if they are listening for long periods?

No, not really as I ask them to listen to a chapter at a time for the audio books. These usually last less than 30 minutes.

Using the mobile is much easier than say, sitting in front of a PC at home.

Finding this info about using cell phones gives me some great ideas for using the target language in a way that the kids can relate to. Can you give me any more resources on what has been done with this idea?

Hi Teri,

Thanks for your comment. Have a look at all the posts I've written about mobile phone use in the last year:

Best wishes


I'm interested in finding peer-reviewed journal articles about classroom instruction and exercises using cell and smartphones. Where do you research for this information?


Hi Joe--I did my action research project last year on using cell phones in the classroom; here's the final web site:
Do you use google.voice? It's a great communication tool, where my 175 students can text or voicemail without me having to worry about them waking me in the middle of the night. (Why are they all up at 1:00 am?) I can also call parents from home without my home number showing on their caller ID.

Hi Debra,

Thanks for your comment. I thoroughly enjoyed the YouTube clip from your final presentation: Great reflections!

Unfortunately, Google Voice is not available in the UK. I've followed a few foreign language educators use it in the US with interest though. May be one day!

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