The day before the Isle of Wight Conference 2007, I've decided to organise a free TeachMeet type event which I'm calling MFL Show and Tell. It will take place on Friday 12th October 2007 in The Castle Inn, Newport, Isle of Wight.
The idea of the MFL Show and Tell session is to give those teachers attending the Isle of Wight Conference 2007 on Saturday 13th October 2007 an opportunity to share good practice on the use of technology in the classroom before the big event. The session will take place in the private function room The Stable Bar from 8.00 p.m onwards. We will have access to a data projector and screen, but unfortunately no web connection.
If you would like to come along for a drink and a chat, drop me an email so we can get an idea of numbers (capacity 50) or join this wiki and add your details there. It would be great if you could say what you'd like to talk about or what you'd like some training on. If you'd like to speak, the length of your slot will depend on how many volunteers we have. We could put on a free buffet, if there is enough interest. Please indicate if you'd like some food when you get in touch. You will have to pay for your own drinks though. Sorry.
The Castle Inn is in the middle of town in front of the new Travelodge and within walking distance of Nodehill Middle School where the conference will be taking place.
Thanks to Paul Harrington and Chris Fuller for promoting the event so far.