URLSplit is a straightforward way of launching multiple webpages by clicking repeatedly on the same single link. Ideal for setting up webquests for your pupils, the free service allows you to direct them quickly to sets of pages where they need to gather information.
Simply go to the URLSplit and add the addresses of the sites you want your pupils to visit and hit the 'Create My New URL' button. Make the generated link available for shared access on your network by copying and pasting it into a Word document/PowerPoint presentation or publish it on a website/blog.
By way of example, I've created a URLSplit webquest to help you plan a journey to the forthcoming Isle of Wight Conference 2007 and MFL Show and Tell event. Keep clicking on this link to find out where exactly Nodehill, The Castle Inn and Newport Travelodge are and how to get to the Isle of Wight by plane, train and ferry.
To find out more ways of using URLSplit in the classroom, read Neil Winton's post Where It Stops and leave a comment if you come up with new and useful ways of using the service.
Enjoy the ride. Let's split!