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Nice bit of cornering, Joe ;-) It's great to hear the kids leading the show there. I'm not sure about having the most 'departmental' blogs in the UK. Some schools in the UK are running anywhere between a half dozen to 20 blogs between and across departments.

It's actually great to be able to say now that it's really impossible to say where one 'stands' in relation to any other school - it's getting that much more busy and big every day that it's hard to know.

Cheers for your comment Ewan. I'm sure there are other departments who have lots of blogs too. I guess I was referring to the number of subject heads having their own blogs to publish pupils' work etc rather than lots of individual pupils blogging across a department, if that makes sense.

I agree that it's difficult to know exactly how many departmental blogs schools have, but certainly I don't know of any others that have as many subject specific ones as we do. I'm sure you know better than me though.

Like I said earlier on, it is a vindication of all the work and effort you put in and it serves as encouragement for the rest of us school based bloggers!!

Cheers Alex. Great to see you at the SSAT Conference. Shame we didn't have longer to chat. I'll see you at The Language Show soon though.

Bravo les enfants !! C'est fantastique

Here are some comments from my pupils:

Martin: I think it's really cool that we are the school with the most blogs (probably)

Asa: I think it is really cool because it is published on the BBC
so loads of people will see it!!!

Toby: I never knew Nodehill had so many blogs!

Danika: I think it's amazing that our school is practically famous and we are helping other people to start blogging and podcasting.

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