This tutorial shows you how to save your PowerPoint presentation as images (without animation) so they will play on an iPod or any other mobile device for that matter. Imagine doing this and encouraging your pupils to download the images in a zipped file so they could extract them and transfer them on to their mp3 players or mobile phones. Worth a try?
Must have a look at this later - all of our seniors are being given mp4 players later this week, so it may be something else to think about. They will be receiving training on Thursday and staff will be trained on Friday.
Posted by: Lynne | 18/11/2007 at 22:12
Hi Lynne,
You could also import the pictures into MovieMaker and make a film which you could then convert to 3GP format using Zamzar for mobile phones or the appropriate file type for your mp4 players. The advantage of a film is that you could have a voiceover or music
Posted by: Joe Dale | 18/11/2007 at 22:36
I haven't seen the mp4 players yet - could certainly do what you suggest as I do all my video editing in iMovie which allows you to convert to 3GP. What I really want to know is if these mp4 players will have Bluetooth - having spent yet more time unravelling many cables which seem to have a fatal attraction for each other, I hope one day my dream of the cable free classroom will come true! If they don't have Bluetooth, that will be my next request for our technical experts in school.
Posted by: Lynne | 22/11/2007 at 21:49