A great way of exposing your pupils to up-to-date authentic language in small manageable chunks is by showing them the front pages of newspapers from around the world. The following four sites will let you do just that and raise cultural awareness at the same time.
- Newseum - choose the continent and click on the yellow dot in a country of your choice or hover over and see its thumbnail
- PressDisplay - scroll down to the heading Titles by Country on the left hand side and click on your chosen country and then paper.
- NewspaperIndex - a directory to newspaper sites from around the world
- Kiosko (Spanish) - see front pages from the last seven days from international and sports papers. See also the great cartoons via Humor tab
Putting language in context like this should help your pupils remember it and make them realise that news stories that interest them also interest other young people in France, Spain, Germany etc.
Thanks to fellow twitterers (@josepicardo, @blaggers and @moodlehotpotato) for the links for this post and particularly José for his inspiration.
Good idea!
Might be worth emphasising that this approach may also help pupils understand that there are other interpretations of the news that are not necessarily UK centric.
Posted by: Theo Kuechel | 24/02/2008 at 14:31