Twhirl is a PC desktop application for checking and updating your Twitterstream. Like the Mac app Twitterific, it means you are immediately notified by a pop up message if anyone you are following tweets. You can also search for keywords and other users who have replied to your messages.
As you can see from the image above, heyjudeonline tweeted me within two minutes and then wrote a blog post about the tool. Impressive! Thanks Judy.
You twitters are doing my head in! Judy's discovery popped up on twitterific, then her post popped up on my RSS feed reader, and then your post did as well!
You know that feeling when ideas are bouncing around in your head when you see a new app, or come across something that you know will change the way you or your students work? Well, you guys take it that step further and make those ideas bounce around our screens!
Out of peoples' heads and into peoples' view, with speed!
Posted by: Penny Coutas | 03/02/2008 at 13:16