This weekend, I was in Bucharest for the Annual European eTwinning Conference and had a busy time networking, attending great sessions, blogging and twittering.
Highlights for me included learning about the award winning Planète@Dos project organised by Ria De Wilde and Marina Marino, attending the great eTwinning and Tools session given by John Warwick, Christian Komonen and Thomas Maier and chatting with Irish MFL teacher Eileen Brennan-Freeman and Languages Advisor Ann McQuiston.
It was an interesting experience to visit an eastern European country for the first time and compare it with other parts of Europe. The trip also gave me plenty of ideas for Chris Fuller's Euro 2008 project as coincidentally we've drawn Romania which is handy.
Thanks to the British Council for giving me another opportunity to attend an event of this kind and I would encourage anyone reading this blog to get involved in eTwinning themselves. It could be the start of a beautiful relationship.
Have a look at this example of traditional Romanian dancing which I filmed with my digital camera at the gala dinner which should give you a flavour.