The Flip Video Ultra has attracted a lot of interest recently on the blogosphere thanks to its all in one solution to producing great video on the move. Described as a an idiot-proof camcorder by Claudine Beaumont from The Telegraph, it can shoot up to an hour of video, connects directly to your computer via USB (no cables required) and has all the software required for quick editing and uploading to YouTube.
Clips are saved as avi files and can therefore be imported into MovieMaker without being converted first. Have a look at this tutorial for more information.
Silvia Tolisano has comprehensively blogged about her first experience of using her Flip camera and created this useful how to guide as part of her Digital Storytelling posts. Likewise, Anne Mirtschin has been playing with her new toy helped by a jovial Jess McCulloch. Very amusing.
Available in the UK in a matter of weeks for a very attractive £99 , the Flip Video Ultra could be the ideal vlogging tool for the summer.
Hey Joe glad you liked the video and I really enjoyed this post. Will check out some of your links. I use sony vegas movie studio for editing but students often choose movie maker in preference. Thanks for the references.
Posted by: Anne Mirtschin | 18/05/2008 at 14:23
Interestingly enough, if you have a look at their website (cheers for the link), it's possible to get a small rebate if you're an educator- by the looks of it $15 for buying 3, so might be worth buying in batches if you are interested...
Posted by: Chris | 20/05/2008 at 07:08
Flipping 'eck. That's good!
Posted by: Joe Dale | 20/05/2008 at 11:03