Having slept for most of Friday, edited audio on Saturday and caught up with my emails and RSS feeds today, I'm now ready to blog about last week's educational visit to Brittany which by all accounts was a great success.
For those of you who follow my TwitterStream, you'll know what we got up to already. For those that don't, you can watch this slideshow or find out from the pupils themselves by listening to the recordings we made on the coach every morning reflecting on the previous day's adventures.
Unfortunately, my Gabcast experiment didn't work as all the numbers I tried when in France, wouldn't let me connect despite helpful texts from Chris Fuller back in England. I do know it is possible though as Gail Haythorne has proven with her pupils in Montpellier last week.
Next year, I may try Twitterfone as an alternative, if I can't work out what the problem is or bring along a mini notebook instead of relying on my mobile phone.
As for costs, the 30 odd tweets plus a five minute call to my head every evening came to about £30 in total although if I had been able to Gabcast successfully this probably would have been significantly more.
On the way to The American Cemetery, my colleague Richard Peace gave a moving talk to pupils about the Normandy Landings and the personal experiences of his grandfather who fought in North Africa and Italy during the Second World War which you can listen to here.
Hope you enjoy finding out more about our trip and thanks to those of you who tweeted while we were away. It's much appreciated.