One of the great things about the summer break is you have time to catch up on jobs you've been meaning to do all year. A classic example for me, would be finally sorting out all the video footage and stills that were taken at last year's Isle of Wight Conference by the Nodehill film crew Richard Lashley and Robin Chubb and make them into a film. Well thanks to Richard's and Robin's editing skills and my directorial input, we now have the finished results!
Hope you enjoy it and it encourages you to come to this year's event on 25th-26th October described by one of the speakers Jo Rhys-Jones as Fantastic peer-to-peer CPD
John Bald who wrote about last year's conference in The Guardian has also suggested in light of the key points identified to improve provision and outcomes in the recent Ofsted summary of language inspections from 2002-07 that:
"A start would be for each school concerned about languages to send a teacher to the two-day conference on the Isle of Wight this October, with a clear brief of what to look for."
The MFLE and British Council have kindly advertised the event too as well as bloggers, Lisa Stevens and Paul Harrington.
Booking will be starting very soon so hopefully this will whet your appetite for starters.
I'm really looking forward to this event, Joe. I think you have an impressive line-up of speakers and I'm sure everyone involved will get a lot out of it.
Peer-learning is definitely the best way forward, things change so quickly in the world of ICT (and teaching!) so it's good to keep up with the latest developments.
Posted by: Michael from eTwinning | 28/08/2008 at 11:12
Wow - the memories! It's fun looking back nearly a year!
Still not sure what Chris and I were talking about in that pic from the Show and Tell but never mind!
Looking forward to this year - not long now.
Must have a think about what I'll come as this year to top the cat...
Posted by: Lisa | 28/08/2008 at 13:16
If that video is anything to go by, you all spent 20% of the time at the pub! Another reason why I should be going! Is there a deadline for attendees Joe?
Posted by: José Picardo | 28/08/2008 at 19:28
Hi José,
There is no deadline, but it's a pain if people sign up at the last minute from an organisational point of view.
Posted by: Joe Dale | 28/08/2008 at 19:39
Hopefully I'll know in the next two weeks or so. Fingers crossed! Looking forward to it and seeing everyone again :)
Posted by: José Picardo | 28/08/2008 at 21:37
Hi Joe,
I am really looking forward to be at the 2008 conference. I just wish I could clone myself to be able to attend every talk!!!
Thank you,
Posted by: Sarah Ferretti | 29/08/2008 at 14:58
"to being"... :-)
Posted by: Sarah Ferretti | 29/08/2008 at 17:31
yeah, school is happy to pay for this. can't wait to sign up
Posted by: Aurelie | 10/09/2008 at 12:01