In the latest Booruch podcast (out today), David Noble reflects on the upcoming Isle of Wight Conference and says why he thinks it has become such a worthwhile event for anyone interested in new technologies and being part of a community.
"Where I think The Isle of Wight Conference really sticks out is that in amongst all the Web 2.0 goodies and the feeling of riding the wave of inspirational speakers who are only to happy to take part in the great social side to the event, I feel even if you are a teacher who has made a conscious decision not to invest time in exploring Web 2.0 possibilities that there are just so many examples of great teaching practice, particularly around active learning strategies and use of multimedia and immersion techniques"
Have a listen to David himself by clicking on the link below.
Download IOW_Conference_on_Booruch.mp3
Thank you David for your kind and supportive words. They are much appreciated.
Elsewhere the IOW Conference has featured on The London Grid for Learning (thanks to Andrew Rhodes a.k.a air73 on Twitter) as well as on blogs by Isabelle Jones, Adam Sutcliffe, Chris Fuller, Do Be, Sarah Ferretti, Gail Haythorne and Ventnor blog.