Although I wouldn't say I'm a massive fan of crosswords and the like. I do enjoy trying to solve The Radio Times Trackword each week, a nine letter conundrum of varying difficulty which can either present little cerebral challenge or frustrate and infuriate according to its level of complexity and semantic obscurity.
This week however, the creator Clive Doig had me well and truly stumped. So I thought I'd ask my Twitter Personal Learning Network for help and within minutes my ETR chum, Mr Tom Barrett had the solution, STEGOSAUR!
As you can see below, many colleagues were willing to help out with contributions and suggestions, proving yet again the wisdom of crowds and the power of Twitter. And no Mr Picardo, this was not cheating. It was collaborative learning at its best!
And I still have the letters on my hand to prove it. Did get some rather odd looks as I wandered around the shops staring at my hand! And Tom still beat me to it!!
Posted by: Lisa | 04/10/2008 at 20:26
Twitter Power! Amazing, great story, I like it :)
Posted by: Alice Ayel | 04/10/2008 at 20:40