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Thanks for publishing this Joe. There is so much to think about...

Thanks Joe - this is so useful to have all the talks together. Now I can point people to this page when I next try to explain about the IOW conferences to them!

You're welcome ladies. Huge editing job though! Just glad it's all finally published and these great presos are now out in the blogosphere.

These are some of the best examples of the use of new technologies by language teachers in the whole of the UK.

NO fair- everyone else looks serious and I'm waving a pint around... Ah, I see your point, fair enough!!!

Oh the memories.. Ta for doing this, it is so useful to have it all together :-)

Thanks for this Joe. So efficiently put together. I will certainly tell my Faculty to have a look. Well done, you must have spent hours putting this together.

I feel a bit overwhelmed since starting the blog and am often having trouble sleeping at night thinking of what direction to take next. I know it's bad when my husband buys me a book on blogging for xmas!!! Along with a flip video camera...Can you remind me how to follow your feed so I can be updated on new posts. Cheers Suzi ;D

Hi Suzi,

Your blog looks great. Please don't feel overwhelmed. Take things slowly and build it up gradually.

Here are instructions for subscribing to an RSS feed:

Subscribing to blogs is easy. All you need is the RSS feed and Google Reader to receive the posts. There should be a link somewhere on the page which if you click on will display the feed in the address bar.

In the latest version of Internet Explorer, finding the blog feed address is even simpler as the icon top right of your browser symbolising RSS will go orange if available.

Again if you click on this link, the feed will be displayed. Once you have copied the feed, follow these instructions to subscribe:

In Google Reader, click Add a subscription and paste in the address and click Add.

Wait for the feed to load and click on the title of your post.

Good luck!

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