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I have been following the Learning in Hand iPod podcast ( and thought about using iQuiz (show #7) to create iPod revision resources before the summer exams.
Reading this post and watching the google video makes me think the mobile phone approach is better - pupils are much more likely to have a mobile phone than an iPod & the files can be distributed in class via bluetooth, removing any inequality of internet access at home.
Thanks for sharing the link, Joe!

Thanks both for comments. These jpeg quizzes will run fine on an ipod as well, so it makes sense to do it this way!

Hi.Thanks to Lilian for this easy to use idea. I have created 92 cards covering prepositions for my ESL students. I am able to get them to their iPods, but could you help me learn how to get them to their mobile phones? Thank you.

Hi Patricia,

Delighted you've been able to make your own revision prompts for your students' iPods. They should also work for their mobile phones too as long as they can show images which most modern phones can.

Just tell them to connect their phones to a PC, download the images possibly as a zip file to make life easier, extract the images and drag and drop them on to their mobile device.

Hope that works.

Thanks Joe. I will experiment on my phone first so that I know what I'm talking about when I tell my students. Thank you! Patricia

This is a great innovation, especially as you mentioned, it's useful for distant learning activities. Great job on this one. Thanks for sharing this to us.

Hello again. Because my students are so excited about mobile flash cards, I've made more! This time I used PowerPoint and I think I prefer this to MSPaint because it allows me to put the "cards" on slideshare for students who do not have an iPod or mobile phone with photo browsing capability. For more on this, please see my post at
Thanks so much for helping me get started with this! Patricia

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