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Welcome back Joe! Can only agree - learned so much from Twitter over last year and a bit.

Cheers Lynne. It's nice to be back ;)

Nice to hear from you on here!
On top of all the benefits of Twitter from a professional point of view, having had a tough time at the beginning of the year, I can say that Twitter was also a great personal support to me. Twitter-counselling next??

Thanks Isabelle. I agree totally with your sentiments here and have certainly found Twitter a great support too recently :)

Hey Joe, good to see you back on the blogging. My personal twitter network has made a huge impact on my teaching, ability to take up the emerging technologies and take away the isolation of teaching on a small staff in a small country school. I think we are only just beginning to see the full power that twitter can give us from both a staff and student aspect. In the last week, I have broadened the people I follow and that has been another interesting development - just wish there were 36 hours in a day.

Thanks for the mention, Joe. Twitter is one of several things I started this academic year, and I will never look back! PS Glad you are back, chico :-)

Glad to see you are feeling better. I feel famous too in one of your posts! Will you be going to London on Wednesday? Hope to see you there.

Welcome back, Joe, and what a great post. The first time I dabbled with Twitter about 12 months ago, I wasn't really ready for it, but now there are so many people in my PLN who have great advice and views on the things that interest me in my teaching, I wouldn't be without it!

Thanks for all your comments guys :)

@louise - unfortunately I won't be there on Wednesday, but I will be thinking of you all. Am concentrating on getting back into school routine and working up to teaching a whole day not just mornings. Hope to see you soon.

This is a really interesting blog post. I'm keen to share it with a friend but (ironically) could not find the share via twitter button. Most likely me being very daft! I will cut and paste the old fashioned way.

I look forward to reading your future posts.

Thanks for your comment creativeedu! I've just added the Tweet button to the top left of my blog which should make it easier now to share content.

Best wishes


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