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This is the power of web 2.0 for educators and why we were so happy to be able to interview Silvia. Silvia opens her classroom door to all of us around the world and in doing so, improves our teaching practices. Being able to actually observe how Silvia uses tools like Skype with her students to provide meaningful, authentic, engaging learning experiences is key to helping colleagues 'visualize' how they can use these interactive environments in safe and responsible ways, too. Perhaps school administrators will start to recognize that we can use these tools in our classrooms and not block their use. Great post, Joe, and video. I'll be sharing this with other educators—and their administrators, too!

Hi Barbara,

Thanks for your comment. I agree that tools such as blogs, podcasts and Twitter allow us to network in new and exciting ways and share good practice with colleagues from all over the world.

I really enjoyed your interview with Silvia, particularly when she talked about using Skype. The clip captures this brilliantly and as you say 'visualises' her excellent practice for others.

Hi! I´m from Argentina. My students (14-17 years old) and I are realli interested in carrying out projects with foreign classroom.
Please e-mail me if you are interesed: [email protected]
Lessons begin in March 2011

I teach French in an IB MYP school (American middle school). Any French speakers out there who want to Skype with us?

Hi Jennie,

I've put your request on Twitter. Thanks for your comment.

Best wishes


I teach Japanese in a U.S. university and am interested in having students Skype Japanese students of English (basically the whole country) on a regular basis. I wouldn't do it in class because of the time difference, but the biggest obstacle to teaming up with an English instructor in Japan for this purpose is the mismatch in the academic calendar. There are many motivated English learners in Japan who would do this outside of a class assignment, but I'm leery of having students join language exchange networks and just start contacting people cold. Has anyone else resolved such a situation satisfactorily?

Skype is turning an ordinary classroom into a global learning environment. what an exciting learning opportunity for Schools around the world to interact.


I teach French in an IB High School in Calgary, Canada. I am looking for other language teachers who are interested in using Skype or Video conferencing with my classes (french, English, Spanish etc..)

Please email me: [email protected]

Yo soy maestra de español y de francés en New York del Norte, cerca de la frontera de Canada. Yo tengo dos clases de estudiantes edades de 13-14 que se interesan en hacer un intercambio por Skype. Ellos son principiantes. Ahora, yo tengo un intercambio con una clase en Francia en que nuestros estudiantes se presentan sobre unos tópicos que hemos eligidos antes en su lengua materna y los otros alumnos llenan hojas de comprehensión oral. Es una buena experiencia que dura desde el mes de mayo y mis alumnos de español me piden por qué no tienen la oportunidad. ¿Pudieramos organizar un intercambio?

Contacteme a [email protected]. Mi identidad Skype es polyglotmom

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