My last day at Nodehill was a warm and memorable experience. Staff and children wished me all the best in my new role as CILT Language Teaching Advisor and freelance consultant and Mr Morris said some very kind words in the last assembly of the year.
Download Mr_Dale_leaves_Nodehill
I also received some lovely cards including one from a parent of a Yr5 pupil which read:
I wanted to write and thank you for your lovely words in Charlie's report. Every week Charlie has come out of school after his French lesson full of enthusiasm and praise for you. You have given him a great start which we hope he will build on in the future. Truly inspirational!
The staff dressed up in outlandish clothes for charity for the day which is why I'm sporting the colourful tie-dye top in the picture above. My two colleagues Richard and Stuart are cycling from Lands End to John O'Groats in August and I'm sure the money we raised will help get them on the way.
The chocolates and pocket guide to Twitter were also much appreciated as were the HMV and Pizza Express vouchers :)
Leaving Nodehill after 10 years was a tough decision, but it's more Au revoir than Adieu as I will still be doing the odd bit of supply at the school and of course keeping in contact with former colleagues. I guess I'll also have to change the personalised message on my Skype account which for the last year and a half or so has read Looking for my next move. Maybe I should change it to Looking ahead to new challenges. We'll see.
So if you would like me to run some training in your school from September 2009 onwards, feel free to get in touch and I'll see what I can do.
After 10 years it most certainly must be difficult to say goodbye!
It appears you have left such a profoundly positive impact on Nodehill which will live on despite your absence.
Best of luck in your new role.
Posted by: Bernadette | 16/07/2009 at 18:06
“a teacher leaves his mark on a parish for three generations.”
Bryan MacMahon a former Primary schoolteacher and writer
All the best with the new job Joe
Posted by: John Heffernan | 17/07/2009 at 10:57
Thanks for your comments and your good wishes Bernadette and John. It is nice to think your teaching has had an impact. When Nodehill closes in two years time, it will no doubt live on in people's memories for years to come.
Posted by: Joe Dale | 26/07/2009 at 13:31