Teachers TV are currently filming a new series designed to encourage colleagues to develop their use of technology in the classroom and improve their ICT skills. The five episodes to be broadcast in September will showcase good practice in the areas of social networking, video, PowerPoint, gaming, datahandling and mobile technology. They will all follow the same formula by featuring a keen volunteer wishing to update their knowledge by observing a leading practitioner and then transferring what they have learnt to their own context and seeing what difference it makes.
To find suitable candidates to play both roles, Gemma Gibbs from production company Illumina Digital used the TES staffroom forums to ask teachers to put their names forward if they were interested in taking part. This is what I did and was delighted to have had my offer accepted!
So on Tuesday, Gemma, her boss Morgan and volunteer Lise Bosher, a primary school teacher from Oxfordshire came to Nodehill along with a film crew to film me using PowerPoint for whole class teaching to introduce vocabulary and play games such as blockbusters and noughts and crosses using custom animations, triggers and drag and drop. The day went very well and the experience was highly memorable, if exhausting. The pupils loved being filmed and are now very excited about the prospect of appearing on TV in the autumn term.
As I will be soon leaving my current post, the programme to be called Presentations will be a kind of swansong, I guess as well a celebration of Nodehill and everyone that works at the school. Thank you to all those who made the filming possible last week and like you I look forward to seeing the final programme when it is unveiled after the summer holidays. One to watch for sure.
Great news! Did they say when the series will be on Teachers TV for the first time?
Posted by: Elburi | 08/07/2009 at 12:14
Hi Elburi,
I believe the programme will be first broadcast in September.
Can't wait!
Hopefully I will be able to embed it here too. See link: http://twitter.com/TeachersTV/status/2566301368
Posted by: Joe Dale | 11/07/2009 at 20:12