José Picardo has published a thought-provoking clip of his pupils reflecting on Edmodo the private social platform built for education which they have been using successfully for the last year. Their positive impressions, a great example of pupil voice focus on:
- the convenient way the free tool allows them to keep tabs on what homework has been set and when it is due
- the ease in which they can hand in work electronically and have it marked online
- the opportunity of being able to ask for help if need be
- the eco-friendly nature of not having to use paper to submit work
The students' eloquent responses were impressive and should encourage other teachers to try out Edmodo with their own classes and see if it is appreciated in the same way. Have a look at these links for some more ideas on how to use the tool:
Edmodo: microblogging for the classroom
Edmodo and First impressions of Edmodo
Enhancing communication with Edmodo
Edmodo - Microblogging for students
As a side issue. I was also impressed by the image quality of the clip itself which was filmed on a Flip Mino camera (the non HD version) and appeared clear and bright. Thanks to José for taking the time to make the clip and to his students for taking the task so seriously.
Dear Joe,
Thanks for featuring my Edmodo Tutorial in your post. I'm also a huge fan of Edmodo and have been using it with students and other EFL teachers in order to share ppts and other material we create for our classes. It's becoming better and better. I love reading your blog, by the way.
Posted by: Anamaria | 25/08/2009 at 12:51