This video clip does a great job in showing how Audacity can be used to improve students' fluency, pronunciation and intonation by enabling the feature Play other tracks while recording a new one and reading from a script in Word.
For some more ideas on how to exploit this useful feature have a look at this earlier post which suggests how it can help students revise for their GCSE speaking exams. I would also recommend using a DeskPin to ensure that the word-processing document always stays on screen and don't forget to play the clip in full screen mode so you can see everything clearly..
Thanks for this screencast. I've introduced Audacity to some of my colleagues and students in my ESL program. Great tutorial btw.
Posted by: Account Deleted | 12/02/2010 at 13:52
Cheers Neil. Glad you enjoyed it.
Posted by: Joe Dale | 14/02/2010 at 23:24