Friend or Follow is a great tool for helping you manage your personal learing network on Twitter by letting you see quickly and easily who you are following who's NOT following you back (following), who's following you and you're NOT following back (fans) and who you are following who IS following you back (friends).
By hovering over the thumbnails of those you are following, but who are not following you back, you can remind yourself who they are and see the date of their last tweet. If you then click on their avatar, you will be taken to that individual user's Twitter account where you can choose to follow or unfollow them. This is a particularly useful tip if you have reached the limit of 2001 (the number of people you are allowed to follow unless the number following you back exceeds this) and want to add new contacts.
Please note Friend or Follow only works with unprotected tweets. Therefore if you have decided to protect your tweets, you will first need to click on Settings on your own Twitter page, uncheck the box next to Protect my tweets and click Save at the bottom of the screen. Don't forget to protect them again though once you've finished pruning.
Thanks to Comphelperkid for the useful how-to-guide above and check out his other tutorials on YouTube here.