On Saturday, Russell Stannard from University of Westminster gave a stunning talk at the e-Learning Symposium at the University of Southampton on Twitter and how it can be used to develop a powerful personal learning network He describes techniques such as 'piggybacking' and running 'hashtagged topic' searches in an engaging and down-to-earth way.
Russell also refers to screencasts he has made on Twitter and Tweetdeck which are available on his award-winning site TeacherTrainingVideos.
All the talks were archived and can be watched again on the Southampton Mediasite. Please note you have to download MS Silverlight first and you will be prompted to do this once you click on any of the links. To see Russell's presentation, click here.
For further ideas on using Twitter in the classroom, check out this post and for finding out how and why you should build a personal learning network, watch this video by Anne Carnavale.
MFL teacher Simon Howells certainly thinks it's good to share. This was his response to a tweet request from Alex Blagona recently who asked followers to give their reasons for using Twitter. Inspiring indeed!
I love that idea of starting small but making it meaningful!!
I have started with a Facebook group and it is growing little by little!!!
Thanks for your brilliant ideas
Posted by: karina | 14/02/2010 at 16:38
You're welcome Karina. I'm delighted you found this post useful.
Posted by: Joe Dale | 15/02/2010 at 09:10
Awesome presentation! Very inspiring for those of us that feel overwhelmed, at times, with the rapid growth in social media and its integration with education. Thanks
Posted by: Jaymesroedl | 23/02/2010 at 04:43