Back in 2008, I ran a workshop for, a branch of Scoilnet at NUI Maynooth just outside Dublin. Here is a ten minute promotional video of the day commissioned by NCTE and shot by Tailored Films. The clip gives a snapshot of the sort of training I was providing at the time and looks at triggers, dragging and dropping in PowerPoint, animation, podcasting, Teachers Pet etc. Hope you enjoy it and it gives you some ideas to explore further in your own teaching.
Thanks to Fred Boss for retrieving this from the video vaults at NCTE and giving me permission to publish it to the world. I'm delighted it's finally seeing the light of day!
This is really great Joe!!
Posted by: Mary | 27/04/2010 at 20:00
Cheers Mary. Glad you enjoyed it. I think Tailored Films did a very professional job and really captured the moment!
Posted by: Joe Dale | 28/04/2010 at 09:04
Great to see this video again Joe - that was a great day's work and I know teachers here really enjoyed the session. I hope we can do something similar again in the future! I would corroborate the comment from Mary re Tailored Films - and can add that they were a really good team to work with!
Posted by: Angela Rickard | 05/05/2010 at 15:01
Cheers Angela. Would be great to work with you again. You have my contact details ;-)
Posted by: Joe Dale | 13/05/2010 at 12:08