For the last few months, I've been working with Zena Hilton, Links into Languages South East Regional Manager and Jo Rhys-Jones, Primary Languages Consultant on an awesome event we're calling the ICT Links into Languages conference which takes place on the weekend of 12th-13th February 2011 at Southampton University. Modelled on the legendary Isle of Wight Conference, it features an extensive programme of seminars and hands-on workshops delivered by some of the most creative and innovative language professionals working in the UK today.
Wendy Adeniji - Independent MFL Consultant
- Teach them to pronounce it right! (Seminar)
- iLanguages: teach them the usual in an unusual way (Seminar)
Jackie Berry - Primary Languages Consultant, Hampshire LA
- PowerPoint Magic: presentation tips and tricks for the languages classroom (Seminar)
- Getting started with screen casting (Seminar)
Suzi Bewell - PGCE MFL Curriculum Area Leader, University of York
- Going global! The importance of Intercultural Understanding (Seminar)
- MYLO – an exciting new way to learn languages (Hands-on workshop)
Alex Blagona - Language college coordinator, Northgate High School
- Collaborate, Communicate, Consolidate – How wikis can transform learning in MFL (Hands-on workshop)
- An A-Z road map of ICT resources in MFL (Seminar)
Joe Dale - Independent MFL Consultant
- If you build it, they will come! The rise and rise of the MFL Twitterati (Keynote)
- Podcasting with Audacity (Hands-on workshop)
Catherine Elliott - Training Manager at Sheffield South City Learning Centre
- Encouraging creativity in languages through animation (Hands-on workshop)
- First steps in using video in the MFL classroom (Hands-on workshop)
Chris Fuller - Educational Consultant
- Moblogging across the universe (Seminar)
- Typepad – I blog, you blog, we blog (Hands-on workshop)
Esther Hardman - Teacher of French, Spanish and German, Curriculum Development Coordinator for MFL (ICT), Weald of Kent Grammar School
- Flashmeeting for easy videoconferencing (Seminar)
- Using ICT to enhance teaching and learning in MFL (Seminar)
Dale Hardy - Primary & Secondary Languages Consultant, Nottingham City LA, Links into Languages regional trainer & CILT KS2 framework trainer
- So you have a school link? Now what do you do with it? (Seminar)
- Gifted and talented linguists – Identification, Inclusion, Provision: Using simple techniques as well as ICT (Seminar)
Chris Harte - Assistant Head Teacher for Personalised Learning, author and trainer on PLTS in language learning, Cramlington Learning Village
- Managing social learning – Edmodo (Hands-on workshop)
- Languages: Reboot (Seminar)
Rachel Hawkes - Assistant Principal, Director of Languages, AST and SSAT Languages Lead Practitioner, TES Resources Languages Advisor, Comberton Village College
- Get real! Language Learning for the 21st century (Keynote)
Kath Holton - Head of Languages, Argoed High School
- Using voice and video recorders in the classroom (Seminar)
- Interactive Web 2.0 tools to enhance learning (Seminar)
Isabelle Jones - Head of Languages, The Radclyffe School
- Personal Learning and Thinking Skills in the MFL classroom (Seminar)
- Inspire, Create, Share: Developing the use of ICT in the MFL faculty (Seminar)
Helen Myers - Teacher of French, Assistant Head, The Ashcombe School; Chair of ALL London branch; ALL former President
- Add a dimension to your teaching: an introduction to language learning in Virtual Worlds (Seminar)
- Let the technology take the strain!How ICT can provide the motivation and the inspiration for the hard grind of language learning! (Seminar)
Jo Rhys-Jones - Primary Languages Consultant, Hampshire LA
- Simple and effective tips for transition KS2-KS3 (Seminar)
- Making languages games for your VLE/blog (Hands-on workshop)
Amanda Salt - Head of Spanish, Grosvenor Grammar School
- Integrating ICT into an MFL department (Seminar)
- Using Web 2.0 tools in the MFL classroom (Hands-on workshop)
Clare Seccombe - Sunderland LA Support Teacher for Primary Languages and the International Dimension
- MFL Sunderland – It’s good to share! (Seminar)
- Arts Smart! (incorporating art, music, drama etc) (Seminar)
Lisa Stevens - PLL educator and consultant, Apple Distinguished Educator and eTwinning Ambassador
- What can eTwinning do for you? (Seminar)
- Tell me a story! (Hands-on workshop)
Lesley Welsh - Director of Languages and the International Dimension at Manor College of Technology
- Keeping it real – maximising the use of authentic materials (Seminar)
- Funky flipcharts and interesting interactivity (Seminar)
If you are at all interested in how technology can enhance language learning in the 21st century, this is a must attend event and at £100 for both days or £75 for one (discounted rates for PGCE students), it is unbelievably good value for money too.
If this wasn't enough, there will also be a free MFL Show and Tell event on the Saturday evening at the University of Southampton Sports Ground where anyone who wants to share their good practice can have the opportunity to do so.
and to finish ...
Let us not forget despite the very sad news this week that the UK government has decided to no longer fund the Links into Languages programme post March 2011, this conference is certainly something to look forward to and celebrate. In these cash strapped times, who knows when we will have the opportunity to pool such expertise in ICT and MFL again? Please support this event, spread the word and sign up here.
See you in February.
Download the detailed programme from here.
Joe - will those of us across the pond be able to participate via a backchannel?
Posted by: teachermrw | 24/12/2010 at 13:57
Hi Marcy,
You can follow the official hashtag for the conference #ililc. We will also be recording some sessions and no doubt speakers will be blogging about their own talks too.
Posted by: Joe Dale | 24/12/2010 at 15:08
Hello, this is Brittany Pittman from the EDM 310 class. I think ICT links into language is a great idea. I believe that most, like me, would love to go to an event that will get you involved in blogging, wikis and more.
Posted by: Brittany Pittman | 25/01/2011 at 21:32
I'm currently taking EDM310 at the University of South Alabama and one of my assignments was to read your blog and comment on two of the most recent posts.
Anyway, I did a little research on what the Links into Languages program was about and also saw that the UK government has cut funding. I find that quite awful. This program is a wonderful thing and I agree with everything it's about. Knowing more than just your native language these days is very important, but it's hard to find a class that's effective enough to where students actually remember the material. I myself have had three Spanish classes over the course of my high school and college careers. My teachers were great, but there were such huge gaps in between each class, I'd forgotten most of the material. Not to mention, I really had no way of holding onto what I learned. I simply went through the classes and learned what I had to to pass them. I'm sorry that funding was cut, but I hope the program can continue in its efforts in finding better resources and ways of teaching.
Posted by: Chelsea | 30/01/2011 at 20:36
Hi Chelsea,
Thanks for your comment and for researching Links into Languages. It is very sad that the funding is ending next month, but hopefully the program will be able to carry on in some way after that independently. We'll see.
Posted by: Joe Dale | 07/02/2011 at 11:38
Thanks for your comment Brittany. I suggest you follow the ililc hashtag and I'm sure you'll pick up a great deal over the two days of the conference.
Posted by: Joe Dale | 07/02/2011 at 11:42
Hi, my name is Sheena Nettles. I am a student in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama. I think that the links that you posted on this blog are very helpful for future teachers. I would love to attend one of these events and become more familiar with the technology that we as future teachers need to learn about.
Posted by: Sheena Nettles | 12/02/2011 at 18:06