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Hi Mr. Dale,

My name is Brittany Grogan and I am in Dr. Strange's EDM310 class at the University of South Alabama. I've read a few of your posts and decided I wanted to talk to you about Twitter. I personally did not have a Twitter account until this class. I agree with what you said on how it can help teachers find colleagues with similar interest and ideas especially for language. I was thinking about how you can meet so many people from around the world that can give you inspiration to teach your class about their culture and language. My goal is to become a high school World History teacher and I know that talking to people that have different perspectives of history will be so helpful in the future. Thank you for the videos and links, I hope to see more in the future.

Hi Brittany,

Thanks for visiting the blog and for your comment. I would encourage you to explore the power of Twitter as a way of connecting with like-minded colleagues as I’m sure you’d find the interaction and support very valuable. Good luck in your future career.

Best wishes


Hi Joe fabulous post-thanks for the mention and including my TM Leeds presentation.

Let's hope we can get the message about the benefits of Twitter CPD to those non-belivers!

Keep the faith.


Twitter is a great way of getting people to notice what you do and may be if you do have any new articles posted you can let people know on Twitter. We should all wake up and realise that Twitter is the new way to communicate.

Another informational, enjoyable post to read.......thanks for putting it together.

I agree that Twitter can be a very useful tool for contacting like minded individuals. You just have to be careful whom you follow. Like the video most people use Twitter for the most useless reasons like in the video. No one wants to know you are brushing your teeth or going shopping. I only follow people who use Twitter in a professional manor. I use Facebook for mundane purposes and Twitter for professional reasons. It keeps the professional and personal lives separate.

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