This is the week we’ve all been waiting for! The Language Perfect World Championships have started. The biggest language learning competition there has ever been in history! Do you and your pupils want to be part of history? Oh yeah!
Countries competing against countries, schools competing against schools, pupils competing against pupils all with the same aim: to appear as high as possible on the championship scoreboard. 2.5 million questions have already been answered in the first day of the competition. With 6 days to go who knows what the final total will be?
This now is our challenge to compete with the rest of the world. We mustn’t slip behind as we’ll never catch up. Don’t forget in last year’s European Language Olympics, the UK topped the scoreboard, but now we are against the world people! Time to step up!
I am personally in charge of coordinating the UK attempt on the crown! (No pressure there then) and with your participation, I’m sure we can do a sterling job!
If you haven’t done so already, you can use the code (JDALE) when registering to receive 50 places for FREE and if you are a member of the Association of Language Learning, an official partner of Language Perfect, you can additionally use the code (ALL) for an extra 50 FREE places. Anyone can use my code not just schools from the UK so what have you got to lose?
To see just how much learners are loving the competition to date, check out the Language Perfect Facebook page which is awash with positivity!
Check out too the news page on the main site where CEO Craig Smith, myself and other members of the Language Perfect World Championships committee will be posting regular updates throughout the week.
To celebrate your school's achievements further, you can also send an email to [email protected] and attach images such as your position on the scoreboard, audio or video clips and some accompanying text about how you are finding the competition. Contributions will appear on this Posterous blog embedded automatically and accessible to all.
The country which accumulates the most points wins the Trevor and Rose Trophy, named after Craig's Mum and Dad!
What a great way to enthuse your students at the start of the school year.
Our school, John Paul College, in Coffs Harbour, NSW, Australia won this competition last year.
Posted by: Sharon | 10/09/2011 at 01:02
That's great. Good luck with this year's competition!
Posted by: Joe Dale | 10/09/2011 at 01:36
Wow! Mr. Dale I am embarrassed to say that I have never heard of The Language Perfect World Championship. I looked at the Facebook page. You have major support! It seems so neat! I cannot believe 2.5 million questions in one day!!! That's astonishing! How many students compete in this? Where does it take place? Good luck in the competition. I hope England does well!!
Posted by: Brittany Grogan | 10/09/2011 at 02:08
Hi Brittany,
Thanks for your comment! Thousands of students are taking part from over 900 schools around the world competing with each other to get as high up the scoreboard as possible. I'm sure England will do well, but they do need to pull their socks up and go for it!
Language Perfect is based in New Zealand and I am their UK correspondent promoting the competition here!
Best wishes
Posted by: Joe Dale | 10/09/2011 at 08:41
This is mind blowing. Just like the young lady above who commented on your post I too have never heard of The Language Perfect World Championship. But the amount of questions that were asked is just an enormous number for just one day. I wish you the best of luck on your present and future competitions.
Posted by: Larry Mcmillan | 14/10/2011 at 17:32
Mr. Dale,
I am a student in EDM310 at the University of South Alabama, in the United States. I read your post and I have to say that I am very intrigued by the information that you have shared! I, too, have looked at the facebook page and I am overwhelmed at the amount of questions in one day! Amazing job, keep up the great work!
Posted by: Deena Martin | 13/11/2011 at 20:23
Mr. Dale,
I enjoyed reading your blog and I think it's awesome that you have made the learning experience competitive. I look forward to looking at the facebook page and learning more about the Language Perfect World Championship.
Posted by: Josh Kimbrough | 01/02/2012 at 07:01
Thanks for your comment Josh. I'm glad you enjoyed reading this post.
Posted by: Joe Dale | 09/02/2012 at 09:18