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Thanks so much for posting about this great online resource. I teach in a teacher preparation program and I will definitely share this site with my students next semester.

This seems like a very good program to help with learning styles for adults and anyone willing to use it!

Hi Mr Dale,

I'm Joy Eady, I am a student at the University of South Alabama in Dr. Strange's EDM310 class.I commented on your post before this one and will be commenting on this one and publishing them to my blogger. Thanks for the very useful information on the online resources to help out with the learning styles for adults,educators,students and basically anyone willing to take their time to explore and use them. I think learning all kinds of different languages is very beneficial and can be very useful in the educational field. Thanks again for allowing me the opportunity to see about these online resources.

Hi, I'm Jessica La Force and I'm a student in Edm 310 at the University of South Alabama. I commented on another of your posts once already, and I will be summarizing these posts on my class blog on 9/23/12. This is really great information for anyone interested in learning a new language. It's also a super idea for those who have been learning a language, and can now interact with others who are doing the same thing. I enjoy reading your informative posts, and would love for you to check out our Edm 310 class blog!

Hi Joe,
This is such a great site! Thank you for sharing this awesome source. I think it is a great way for anyone learning a language to not only have many sources, tips, and tools at their fingertips, but it is a great way for them to interact with others who are learning or teaching a language just like them.
Thanks again for sharing, Victoria

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